I know it's been a while since I've last updated by blog (well actually, it's close to 2 years since I've last updated my blog). Sorry fellas. Too much dramas have happened in between, that I just didn't have the time to write because all is just been going too fast . Anyway, being in my confinement period has made me realized that I oughta do something besides nursing, sleeping, eating, drinking to thirst, etc. Yup, I've gotten engaged, married and delivered a baby in my "silent" period.
I've just given birth to a beautiful and chubby little Jia Elisha on Feb 25th, 2010 at 9.22 pm (which coincidently fall on the same date as my brother Larnelle). Ok la, dapat jimat belanja next time I throw out a birthday party for them. Hehe. Anyway, Baby Jia was born with a weight of 3.1 kg (think it's because of the cheese I've been eating before this), big pretty black eyes, a bit of hairs on her head but lots around her body (I'm just crossing my finger her body hairs will fall off eventually), lots of fats around her arms and legs, considerably long legs and thick, sexy lips.
Syok also la got baby. You just can't wait how she'd look like she's grows bigger. I guess what surprised me most is how maternal instinct just came out of without you realizing it, and how it can blossomed. Think that's the awesome part of being in the motherhood.
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