Sports when I was small was a current issue for me. Karate-do, track and field, rounders, you name it all. Badminton is no exception. The first time I'd tamed myself with it I had to smash more winds than the shuttlecocks, and end up produce sweat which to my childhood imagination, can fill up the Meditteranean Sea in a matter of hours.

Until a few hours ago.
I was fixing lunch when I stumbled upon a channel that showed the Thomas and Uber Cup game. Being utterly clueless, I stayed on to watch while feeding myself with a perfectly balanced meal, minus the vegetable and plus more oil. Anyway, it turned out that I was completely hooked at the few minutes of the game. Suddenly I had that adrenaline rush I use to have decades ago.
I missed those times.

To date, there hasn't been any era like that anymore. Most of the top players are from East Asia - China and Japan. But I guess from what I witnessed and experienced just now, it was never because of the player that I got interested with. It has always been because of the game.
Saya ni suka juga badminton, tapi bila Pdt Daniel bagi saya 15-1 duluuu, aduhai....Lupakanlah! Terus saya setia sama volleyball! Hehehehe. Volleyball, anyone?
Ok..that's interesting..actually i also love sport but tiadaklah sampai wakil negara...ha..ha.. Ya, Badmintaon is good but nowadays, the rules are keep changing and "getting" more interesting. Hey, jangan pula berhenti terus...Me, boleh main banyak juga sport...Sihat badan, sihat juga Minda..eh kalau ada masa marilah main badminton di Likas Fasa 2, Every saturday at 7pm. C u d saaaaana.Jangan lupa bawa reket, bulu tangkis,air dan badan sendiri....dan RM10 yuran sebulan...Bayar dengan Dkn. Midi...bye
Hmm..volleyball is good. Tapi dia punya recreational hazard dia lagi tinggi. Bengkak tu tangan lepas main 1 jam. Kena fikir juga tu.
Ala, boleh kasi tebalik tu score tu. 15-1. Rajin usaha tanggan kejayaan tu Kamus dewan bahasa bilang. Kan? Kan?
Wah, main badminton? Hmmm...bagus, bagus..mo juga mengeluarkan peluh ni. Semua makan sarapan pagi, tengahari sama malam (and side dishes also) banyak sudah berkumpul jadi 'spare tyre'. RM 10 sebulan? Ok tu. Sekarang ni mo cari partner yang kurang pandai dari sia. Nanti boleh discourage pula kalau sia yang tukang pungut shuttlecock.
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