I just got back from the annual RBC conference (which was the second time such similar conference held in Sabah) held in BCCM Likas. It wasn't really like a typical revival conference where thousands flocked into the church building to get prayed over and being healed. It's just the kind of conference where pastors and church leaders will attend (apparently I estimated around 80% of the attendees are from the mentioned group). More like a bible study group, only slightly larger.
The conference was about "Living for God in Your Culture - A Study in the Life of Daniel", spoken by Bill Crowder, one of the top guys in RBC in US. In a nutshell, the session tonight covered three earliest chapters of Daniel - Chapters 1, 2, and 4. Since he wanted to emphasize on the life of Daniel, he purposedly skipped chapter 3 because well, it was narrated in presumably all Sunday schools around the world, thousands of times. Oh I guess you should know what Chapter 3 was - the Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego fellas and the furnace. Remember?
It was rather unfortunate I didn't manage to jot down all the important notes on a notebook. Eventhough it was conducted in a more lets-read-all-the-verses (literally!) mode of preaching, it definitely got my attention to encourage me to reflect on my present life. I would truly love to share the whole thing that I've learnt (and remembered!) from Mr. Crowder, but I have the tendency to overwrite the entry, so I guess I have to reserve it for some other time.
The key points which made me reflects on my life right now, based on the life of Daniel are as listed below:
- Daniel lived in a culture which is not orginally his.
- Daniel spoke the truth, even if it means he has to risk his head.
- Daniel stayed faithful to his God, even if the social pressure was overwhelming.
- Daniel has an extraordinary faith - he dared to take 'brussel sprouts' and water to show that God was actually in charge of his physical wellbeing.
- Daniel doesn't bow to peer pressure.
- Due to his obedience, God grants him wisdom and intelligence no one in his era can ever own.

Based on those key facts listed above, I began to relate his situation in mine. Honestly speaking, being a Christian in circles where non-Christians are majorities, it does feel like you wanted to retreat to just being a 'low-profile' Christian (or maybe 'low self esteemed' Christian), where you try not to show that you are Christian. It always is tempting to 'go with the crowd, act like the crowd' just to make yourself accepted 'in the crowd'. But tonight I was reminded in a gracious manner that it is ok to be different, to be who God wants you to be. As Christians say it, to be a 'new creation in Christ'.
This may be a bit way off from what I said previously, but I can't help to amaze how, despite how disputable the credibility of our current Bible now, the content still speaks powerfully to believers. As I was listening the talks just now, I was amazed at myself that I can relate that to my present life. Which indicates to me that this is not just some history book, but a history book that is powerful enough to speak and get you contemplating, hard. Period.