Monday, February 25, 2008

Unexpected answers to prayer

I'm currently reading a book called "Surprising Ways God Answers Prayer" written by Karen Barber, which I bought from Capstone bookstore for RM 21.90 just a few hours ago. It is an unusual, yet inspirational books on prayer; unusual in the sense that this book does not focuses on the components of prayer (worship, meditation, fasting etc.) or on how to pray, but as the writer says, it's about,

"how to go about perceiving and receiving, about how to live our lives with wide-eyed wonder."

This book enlisted and elaborated the real-life examples of how God answered prayers in the least expected ways. I have to admit, I kept on shedding tears as I read through these stories and relate these to my own personal experiences. I'm now at Chapter 3 of the book - Surprised by Presence, and stopped at this story about an 82-year old disabled lady whom at one incident, almost got raped by an intruder, in her own tin-roofed, dilapidated (I imagine so) house, located around church carparks. Being physically impaired, she is physically no match for this intruder twice her weight, and he could have had her. But God has been there all along, watching and safeguarding her, and she was spared from this danger. Not only that, that fellow carried her to her wheelchair just to get her locked her door after he's out of the house! What do you make of that? This incident shows that God answers her daily prayer, which goes like this..

"Lord, go before me like a leading lamb, and behind me like a protecting angel."

While I pondered upon this story, I was suddenly reminded about what I've experienced in Se
oul, backpacking on my own. To be completely honest, I'm still feeling just the way when I first bought the airticket to Seoul. I can't believe what I did and have done. Most of the time when people found out that I backpacked alone to Korea, I get the same response - crazy, daring, disbelief etc (all fall in the same category of lunacy). Who would have thought a young female, travelled alone in a country where she can't even read, speak and understand the language?

But let me tell you something - this has already been in God's planning for so long! How, you may say? Previously, I was so engrossed into the routine of life, that I began to doubt if God is even cared or bothered on how I've been. I'm involved in church activities and ministries, but there's this emptiness which cannot be filled by all the physical efforts, which to my carnal mind, would please God. So I prayed one night while I was looking through flight promotions to South Korea - "Lord, if you want me to do this, please get me a return ticket KK-Seoul with a price less than RM2k".

Guess what happened? The next day, I had a look on the MAS website, KK-Seoul = RM1.8k! The day before, it was RM6k at the cheapest! I didn't think twice, I bought the ticket on that day.

It took me months to tell my mom that I'll be going to Korea alone. But I prayed for the right timing for me to break the news to my mom. The time did come: it was during a small prayer meeting. My prayer request was that God foresees my needs and preparation for the trip. She does look surprised, but didn't freak out like I thought she would usually do.

The days before leaving hit me the hardest; I had problems in the Church Youth Conference, I was overloaded with deadlines at work, and my physical and mental health deteriorated. On the day of my departure, I barely touched my dinner. I was hungry, but was in no mood to eat. But after weeks of lost of appetite, God restored my strength and my appetite in Seoul. But the greatest miracles I've experienced was that I began to completely dependent of God when I make decision, crucial ones in fact. He used my heart to communicate, and I started to be spiritually aware of His direction in all decisions I make. Once, I was suddenly stopped just as I was about to enter the subway train and heard, "look at the sign". And when I did, I quickly realized I wasn't going to where I'm supposed to be heading.

Another incident was when I lost my way to Yonggi Cho's church to catch a bus to the Prayer Mountain, I was dropped at the some unknown territory, but I knew I was too far away from the church. I was walking through this alley, and prayed, "Lord, send me a taxi". Just as I said so, a taxi just passed me and I quickly waved and got in. The problem was far from solved - I was giving directions, but he was getting it differently (due to the language barrier and my horrible knowledge of Seoul area). But I prayed incessantly, and by the time I reached the bus stop and entered the bus, the bus door closed behind me and start moving. It's as if the bus is waiting for me to arrive! Oh, and that day, the bus was hold up a little bit longer than expected, just in time for me to make it to the bus!

Let me conclude this post with another eye-opening experience in Seoul. There was this one night (I remembered it was around midnight), where I was on my way to my hostel. Going from the main road to my hostel, I had to pass a dim-litted and secluded alley. That night, I noticed one Asian man (most probably a Korean) standing just at the corner of the road. He looked at me in a strange and dodgy way, and a few minutes after, this would-be stalker was walking behind me. I gripped my umbrella just in case something bad happens, but at the same time, I was praying to God for safety. Just after I uttered the prayer, guess what happened? Out of nowhere, a police patrol car drove slowly along the road I was walking, and that fellow just stopped where he was. Seeing that, I quickly walked as fast as I can towards the hostel, thanking God as I made my journey.

My experience in Korea has been the most uplifting one in 2007, because I was 100%, fully depended on God's timely and right answers in all decision and circumstances. Back from Korea, God is showing me through these experiences, that not only He is in control in that short 8-day trip, He's also in control of my present life and my future, despite how vague and monotonous daily life can be. All I have to do is just to trust Him.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Self re-evaluation - 2007 & 2008

I realized that I should have done this at the start of this year, but seems that the first few weeks of the year, I don't have time (and not forgetting the mood!) to list down what I've been doing and what I plan to do for this year. So, okay, I'll cut the chase and here goes:

What have I been doing for the past 12 months (2007)?

I've done quite a lot, as a matter of fact; I've done way beyond what I can bear physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Despite being completely drained out, I've learned so much along the way, and I began to ambitiously see where I am heading now, though my first starts were somewhat blurry.

Career-wise: Well, I got a pay raise, which is not really a suprise as we do get pay rise annually. I also have been involved in a coastal project in Salut area, and one dambreak project (Murum-Bakun dam) - FYI, before this, I've been already thinking (probably praying as well) that before I leave my company, I get to be involved in a coastal project and a dambreak project. God surely answer prayers at the time I never expected. All is good, but because of my odd-hour work time and my involvement in church ministries, I felt that my current job can't substantiate what I can fully do in my church. Besides that, my future of doing PhD is uncertain if I continue working in my current company. So, I decided to apply for a new job which offers more time to do what I like most and with a less rigid work schedule, and a brighter chance to do PhD.

Love life: I successfully manage to maintain my singleness ;). Haha, yes!

Financial: I blew up my savings on my trip to Korea, which is worth it. It's quite sad to see all that RMs fly in one go, but thinking back, the experience I get there is just priceless. In fact, the part I've travelled there alone (some office colleagues have a sinister thought of me meeting up with a guy there - yeah, right) proved that I can survive on my own in a complete different world. I've also spend a bit of money on my trip to Jakarta and Singapore, but that's a few time lesser compared to what my Korean expenses were. But all money not lost; I also manage to get some as well. I got my first experience as a pianist playing in an Italian restaurant for RM 300 (3 sessions) and also I get to teach Fluid Mechanics in OUM.

Spiritually: I think I had a hard time on this one. Last year, I was heavily involved in BPM - involved in the album production, concert & conference preparation etc. It's not bad actually, but I was so into these that it took negative toll on the ministries I involved in the church as well as my prayer life. Never have I felt that I was so divided emotionally e.g. my heart says I should do this, but instead I'm doing something else. The Korean trip made me realized that I should trust what my heart says and wants, coupled with of course - strong, unwavering dependence and attachment to God. Since then, I became bolder and took the risks in everything I choose and plan to do in my future.

So, what has and will happen in 2008?

  1. I got the job in UMS as a lecturer (Finally, with that whole last year waiting!). I applied for tutorship, but given lecturership instead.
  2. Going to Manila via Clark for a 5 days/4 nights vacation starting on my resignation date (Apr 19th)
  3. Hoping to visit Pak Yunus in Brunei, after years of visitation delays.
  4. I hope to get my position confirmed by UMS by next year and do my PhD in 2010 (I know, that was supposed to be the next years resolution, but I don't see any harm of stating them now)
  5. Maintain my singleness? (Hehe..)
  6. A change in my personality outlook - wardrobe, body language, make up. One step at a time.
  7. Involve in more diverse church ministries
  8. Quit BPM (Among the toughest decision to make, but I got to do what I got to do)
If you have any ideas pertaining what I could do this year, please let me know. If I think it's achievable, I could chuck in your ideas in my list.